Conformity assessment of electrical and electronic devices, as well as fixed installations, to requirements of the Directive 2014/30/EC on electromagnetic compatibility is the determination of the capability of the device or fixed installation to function satisfactorily without creating unacceptable disturbing electromagnetic effects on another device.
The equipment shall be designed and manufactured with due regard for the state of the technology level in this field so that:
generated electromagnetic interference would not exceed the level above which radio, telecommunications or other equipment could not be used for its intended purpose;
to have a level of resistance to electromagnetic interference, allowing devices to operate without unacceptable degradation of their intended use.
Conformity assessment is a process that demonstrates the compliance of the basic requirements of the directive relating to the device.
Conformity assessment procedures:
Module A: Internal control of production
Module B: EC type examination
Module C: Compliance with a type based on internal control of production
The obligation to verify compliance with the Directive requirements extends to individuals or organizations that place electrical and electronic devices on the market in the European Union. Application of the CE marking on products which comply with the requirements of Directive 2014/30/EC is mandatory
Iekārtu elektromagnētiskās saderības noteikumi Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 208 Rīgā 2016. gada 12. aprīlī