CE Marking Conformity assessment
Conformity of Products to the Directive 2006/42/EC СЕ marking Certificate
In accordance with Article 12 of the European Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery, there are three options for assessing compliance:
- conformity assessment procedure for internal control at machinery production site, as provided in Appendix VIII of Directive 2006/42/EC, which describes the procedures by which the responsible person who fulfills the obligations set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Appendix VIII, ensures and declares that the product satisfies the relevant provisions of the Directive 2006/42/ЕС. For each representative of the type of product series under consideration, the responsible person shall compile the technical documentation mentioned in Appendix VII, Part А. The manufacturer shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the production process provides for conformity of the manufactured equipment with the technical file (technical documentation) and with the provisions of the Directive.
- EC type examination, according to Appendix IX and according to Appendix VIII
- complete quality control procedure, as provided in Appendix X of Directive 2006/42/EC
In case the product falls within the list of Appendix IV, the participation of a notified European body is mandatory.
In any case, if there are components incorporated in the machine, such as electrical components, hydraulics or other, tests in a laboratory.